We make complex information
easy to understand
We use plain language in our market research process to bring clarity to complex information. Our proprietary process and tools easily adapt to your communication goals.
Why does
Discovery matter?
Consumers have different backgrounds, sociocultural influences, and experiences that shape their understanding. At the same time, different stakeholders have unique communication needs. Our discovery process allows us to identify target audiences and design for their perspectives and goals.
Discovery Benefits
By identifying the perspectives of your target audiences, we create more impactful communication that lead to improved experiences, business efficiency, and customer loyalty.
What you can expect from Discovery:
Ethnographic and Stakeholder Interviews
Communication Audits
Assessments of Information using KKG's Information Assessment Tool©
What goes
into Design?
Design is more than just styling information to make it look pretty. Design is combination of visual aids and words that lead to true comprehension. We use our expertise in plain language, design, and cognitive psychology to create information that facilitates learning and consequently leads to action on the part of consumers.
Design Benefits
When customers gain clarity, they are capable of taking action. We use simple language, clear writing, and information design principles to create information that target audiences can understand and use. Well-designed information leads to accurate responses that protect your business, create efficiency, and promote customer loyalty.
What you can expect from Design:
Blanksheeting© Process
Design for Measurable Behavioral Outcomes
Why Test with Real People?
Real people provide real feedback. By testing our design prototypes with individuals who align with your target demographics, we receive actionable and thoughtful feedback. Testing removes assumptions and identifies whether the hypotheses we developed during discovery are true when introduced to target audiences. We use qualitative and quantitative research.
Test Benefits
Testing ensures the designed information works in the real world and allows you to identify and address consumer issues early. Our goal is to prove that our designed information improves consumer understanding and reduces inefficiency in the communication process.
What types of research does Kingsley-Kleimann conduct?
We conduct qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods research. The type of research we use depends on your requests and goals. Quantitative studies capture statistical, behavioral data whereas qualitative studies capture sentiment and intention. Mixed methods research combines the best of each – allowing you to gather in depth data and insights about individuals’ behaviors and perceptions.
How do I choose?
Use the table below to understand which testing method best aligns to your company’s goals.
To gain quantifiable insights and findings that are statistical and conclusive.
To gain insights into people's behaviors and uncover trends in thought or opinion.
• Large sample size • Structured approach • Generalizable outcomes
• Small sample size • Flexibility in scope • In-depth view of consumer behavior
Study Designs
• Survey Research • Descriptive Research • Experimental Research • Correlational Research • Causal-Comparative Research
• Ethnographic Research • Action Research • Grounded Theory Research • Usability and Cognitive Research • Case Studies
Test Structures
• Surveys (online, telephone, or mail) • Questionnaires
• One-on-one interviews • Dyadic interviews • Focus groups • Social and/or business immersion
Why use Evaluation?
Bringing in a highly reputable subject matter expert as a third party to evaluate information gives you a fresh, unbiased perspective. Our research team uses a range of research-based approaches (as well as our own deep expertise) to assess whether your information provides clear, appropriate, accurate messages to consumers.
Evaluation Benefits
As experts, we evaluate your communication products, providing a trusted, third-party assessment. We evaluate target audience comprehension and provide research-based commentary and recommendations. Our goal is to help you provide impactful, concise, and effective information to your consumers.
What you can expect from Evaluation:
Expert Reviews
Testimony and Expert Declarations
Research studies in support of litigation